In March we'll be launching a Lily Magazine. Of course we want to show off our pretty
Lilylovers to the world. So what do we ask from you, girls? Start sharing your prettiest LILY-outfits
and accessories on Instagram -with the #lilylover tag!- and maybe you'll get featured in our
magazine. Cool right? We're super excited to see you wearing our stuff.We shared our best
tips underneath.
Great light is everything. We totally recommend to work with actual daylight. Place
your items -or yourself- close to the window or go outside for extra luminous pics.

Or use a tripod! Aren't we all a bit done with the classic selfie? Give your feed an
instant upgrade by working with non-selfies. Ask a friend (or boyfriend, or mom,...)
to take your photo. Maybe have a Sunday afternoon shoot, and take each other's

Imagine we would take the magazines away from this photo, would be boring, right?
Always add fun items to upgrade your pics. Here are some ideas to fill a classic flatlay:
sunglasses, a plant, books, your laptop or phone,... We've also heard that showing
hands in a picture is great for extra likes, hah!

Always edit your photos! You don't need super expensive apps, thereare some super nice
(and free!) apps available! Our favorites: VSCOcam (ofcourse), Facetune 2 and PS expres.
You can also use the Instagram itself. We reccommend you do the following things:
make your photo extra bright, get a little extra contrast and add some warmth.

Probably the most crucial step! ;) Use #lilylover in the description box & tag us in the
photo. What you get in return? Our endless love & you might get featured on the
#lilylover page in our March magazine!

Here are some of our best examples.

Damn Lilylovers, you rock! ♡